12/Dec 2017
1 min. read
Editor Hugo is easy to use macdown is enough for me to write md files macdown is free :-p Terminal tool macdown terminal tool can directly open macdown files from terminal Then the terminal is the only thing I need to start writing and deploy In the future I will try to write a image hoster. Acturally I don’t have to, but I would like to take this as a kind of practice.
11/Dec 2017
2 min. read
Install Hugo Install hugo following the instruction of the linked document is a piece of cake. Homebrew is a fantastic tool for mac users. After installation, Hugo new site myblog will generate a project called myblog for you. Things in /myblog is the source code of your blog.
Choose a Theme Actually, I don’t feel those themes on Hugo official website are of good look. Some of them are not really easy to use because of their poor ducumentation.